At Designtrait, our philosophy begins with discovery. What draws us to a place? What keeps us there, and what makes us go back? The curious attraction to architecture yields infinite possibilities. We create unique places where life happens; not limited to a room or a building, place can be as simple as a tree swing or a rooftop patio. While design enhances a place, all of this is nothing without purpose and the human element. This is how we define Place.
It’s safe to say we look at the world differently.
We are imaginative, artful, thoughtful, and with purpose. We unapologetically create places people crave to live, visit, congregate, talk about, and share. Together with our clients, we impart exciting, yet tenable, places that will benefit inhabitants for years to come.

How we’re different
OUR APPROACH01. Our places feel like coming home.
They tell a story and invite you to stay awhile.
02. Our design team includes you.
The relationships we build with our clients form the foundation of each project. We’ll bring you coffee, get to chatting, learn what you hope to accomplish in this place, and then make a design that is wholly and utterly you.
03. Our process guides you from vision through completion.
As your advocate, we navigate you through the many considerations, one decision at a time.

For us, architecture is active, evocative, and engaging. We create in the dynamic space between real and ideal.
Relax, we’ve got you.